Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Understanding Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy:
As women navigate the natural transitions of perimenopause and menopause, they often encounter a host of physical and emotional changes. From hot flashes, night sweats, and sleep disturbances to mood swings, low libido, and low energy, these shifts are driven by fluctuating hormone levels. Bio-identical hormone therapy (BHRT) offers a customized, natural approach to replenishing these hormones, aiming to restore balance and enhance longevity and quality of life.
Indications for Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy
BHRT may be indicated for women experiencing:
Irregular periods
Mood swings and persistent mood changes due to declining hormone levels,
depression, and anxiety
Hot flashes and night sweats
Sleep disturbances and frequent waking in the night
Vaginal dryness and recurrent UTIs
Weight gain, decreased muscle mass, low motivation, difficulty recovering
Reduced and low libido
Fatigue and low energy
Brain fog, difficulty concentrating, difficulty with word recall, or memory loss
Joint Pain
Gut microbiome shifts and digestive changes
Bone health concerns: Increased risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Heart health concerns: Prevention of cardiovascular decline linked to low estrogen levels.
Neurocognitive decline concerns. Prevention of neurocognitive decline and reducing risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. The Inflammatory processes that happen and the inflammatory cytokines that are released as women make this transition places women at a larger risk for neurodegeneration.
Cancer Risk Concerns. Bio-identical estradiol has been extensively studied for its effects on health, including its potential role in cancer prevention including breast cancer and colorectal cancers.
The List Goes On!!
BHRT uses hormones identical in structure to those produced by the body, often derived from plant sources. This allows for more precise tailoring of treatment to each woman’s needs.
The Benefits of Estradiol Therapy
Estradiol, a primary form of estrogen, plays a critical role in maintaining various bodily functions, especially as women transition into menopause.
1. Relief from Vasomotor Symptoms
Estradiol effectively alleviates hot flashes and night sweats, improving overall comfort and sleep quality.
2. Bone Health Support
It helps maintain bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
3. Weight and Body Composition Support
Estrogen depletion is associated with insulin resistance in the female body. Insulin resistance contributes to weight gain, especially around the middle. Estradiol therapy helps to restore insulin sensitivity and the body’s ability to process carbohydrates and sugar from food and released in times of stress. Estradiol is also tightly linked with muscle quality, muscle conduction and lean muscle mass development.
4. Cardiovascular Protection
Estradiol improves cholesterol profiles by increasing HDL and reducing LDL, supporting heart health.
5. Cognitive Function
Estrogen has neuroprotective properties, which may help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and improve memory and focus. The brain is extremely dense with estradiol receptors making estradiol essentially a very important neurotransmitter affecting mood and personality. Estradiol is also crucial in maintaining serotonin levels.
6. Vaginal and Urinary Health
Estradiol helps alleviate vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, and recurrent urinary tract infections by maintaining healthy tissue in the vaginal and urinary tracts.
7. Microbiome Balance
Estradiol helps to maintain the gut microbiome diversity and health of the mucosal lining.
The Benefits of Progesterone Therapy
Progesterone is not only vital for women in their reproductive years, but it is vital for hormonal balance during perimenopause and menopause.
1. Endometrial Protection
When used alongside estradiol, progesterone protects the uterine lining from overgrowth, reducing the risk of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer.
2. Improved Sleep Quality
Progesterone has calming effects on the brain, promoting deeper, more restorative sleep.
3. Mood Stabilization
It can reduce anxiety and mood swings by modulating the brain’s GABA receptors, which have a calming influence. Progesterone is also important for the production of serotonin.
4. Hormonal Balance
Progesterone helps counteract estrogen dominance, which can cause bloating, heavy bleeding, cramping, clotting, breast tenderness, and irritability. Estrogen dominance is very common in the early stages of perimenopause as progesterone is often the first hormone to decline. This decline can happen as early as mid-30s.
5. Microbiome Balance
Progesterone help maintain the gut barrier and protect it from gut injury.
6. Thyroid Support
Progesterone supports thyroid health and has a net benefit on metabolic health. As progesterone starts to decline in perimenopause, the thyroid can become de- stabilized. This can give rise to an autoimmune thyroid condition known as Hashimoto’s. It also helps to shelter women from excess androgens.
The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
Despite testosterone often being thought of as a “male hormone,” it plays a crucial role in women’s health, particularly during and after menopause. In fact, women have 10 times more testosterone than they have estrogen.
1. Enhanced Libido and Sexual Function
Testosterone improves sexual desire, arousal, and satisfaction.
2. Increased Energy and Vitality
Low testosterone levels are often linked to fatigue and reduced motivation. Supplementation can restore energy levels and overall zest for life.
3. Support for Muscle Mass and Strength
Testosterone helps maintain muscle mass, strength, and physical endurance, which can decline with age.
4. Cognitive Benefits
It contributes to better focus, memory, and mental clarity.
5. Bone Health
Like estradiol, testosterone supports bone density, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
Is Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy Right for You?
Deciding to pursue BHRT is a personal choice best made in consultation with a healthcare provider experienced in hormonal health. Comprehensive testing and evaluation can help determine the right combination and dosage of hormones tailored to your unique needs.
Key Takeaways:
BHRT can significantly improve quality of life for women struggling with the physical and emotional effects of perimenopause and menopause. BHRT can protect women from common diseases and conditions of aging such as cardiometabolic disease, neurodegeneration, and diseases of frailty including osteoporosis. Estradiol, progesterone, and testosterone each offer distinct benefits that work together to restore balance and vitality. A personalized approach ensures the best outcomes while minimizing potential risks. If you’re considering BHRT, reach out to Root Cause NP to explore how this natural and effective therapy can help you feel like yourself again.
Take the Next Step
At Root Cause NP, we specialize in tailored BHRT solutions to support women in all phases of life. From balancing hormones in her reproductive years and supporting her through preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum to following her through the crucial hormone transitions of perimenopause and menopause. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how BHRT can transform your journey through early-midlife and beyond.